
If you think it may go wrong, it definitely will

This is the blog post I wanted to be out for such a long time. This is something which I have experienced time and again but did not pay much attention to, even though it has affected me for quite some time. This is what I have finally realised that: If think it may go wrong, it definitely will There have been several instances in my life(and career) where I felt that a certain thing must not be done or a certain action must be refrained. But still, that action being the easy route would always find a way sneak in and would create a mess later on. This easy action could be anything which is short of a proper way of doing things. Essentially, it is a hackish way of doing things instead of doing things diligently. When applying a hack to a program is concerned, it could anything ranging from hard-coding the values, copy pasting the code(without understanding it) or adding logs to a specific location. It would be very hard to find someone who would not have committed such a sin du...